In 1970
He works on the project
Cartilha no Superlativo
, composed by sculptures with words, and with the work
receives the sculpture award of the
Bienal de Artes Gráficas
(Cali, Museu La Tertúlia). Participates in the Galeria
Jack Misrachi exhibition.
In 1971
With the collaboration of the artist Hans Haacke, he organizes the boycott to the
Bienal de São Paulo
accession of the American artists and/or those residents in New York.
In 1972
In partnershipwithWells and Camister, he creates the Integralia Corporation, a companywhich develops and pro-
duces multiples, being the first one the work
Pocket Stuff
. He returns to Brazil to perform the exhibition
Visuais, Verbais e Tácteis
(São Paulo, Galeria Ralph Camargo). He separates from Anna Maria Maiolino performs
the film
Triunfo Hermético
and the short films
Behind the Broken Glass
. He married Silvia Roesler.
In 1973
He performs a solo exhibition at MAM-RJ. With Claudio Tozzi, creates the album of illustrations
He moves to São Paulo.
In 1974
He performs a solo exhibition at MAM-SP.
In 1975
He is one of the editors of the
magazine (Rio de Janeiro, 1975-1976). Assume the direction of the
Escola de Artes Visuais of Parque Lage (EAV), where he creates the
Oficina do Cotidiano
. Begins to build his
studio in Barra da Tijuca, to where he moves in the following year.
In 1976
Alongside with Carybé, Frederico Morais and Mário Cravo Júnior he integrates the
IV Salão Global
(Belo Ho-
rizonte, Palácio das Artes) as a member of the jury and is judged by military courts because of awarding the
Penhor da Igualdade
by Lincoln Volpini. The jury is acquitted, but the artist was convicted for “subversive
content” art. Participates in the exhibition
Arte Brasileira – Os anos 60/70
in the
Coleção Gilberto Chateau-
In 1978
Before the tragic fire occurred in MAM-RJ, with the help of students from the Parque Lage, Gerchman orga-
nizes the march S.O.S. MAM and a homage to the Uruguayan artist Joaquín Torres Garcia, who sees his work
destroyed. He receives the scholarship from the Fundação John Simon Guggenheim. His father Mira dies. He
travels through Central America visiting the archaeological sites of pre-Columbian cultures and in Mexico City
rejoins his friends Arnold Belkin and Felipe Ehrenberg. After that, he goes to New York.